Credit cards provide a convenient way to make purchases without carrying cash. They are accepted at a variety of merchants, both online and in-person, making transactions quick and easy
Step 1 - Choose your Credit Card
Each bank offers dozens of Credit Card options. The card you choose will depend on your expected usage and requirements, and the benefits you want– for example, some Credit Cards are great for traveler’s, some are designed for entertainment, others may be great for business.
Step 2 - Apply for your card
Get all your documents ready – a bank will usually ask for identity, address and income proofs. If you are an existing customer that may not be necessary.
Step 3 - Activate your card
After your Credit Card application is approved, it is dispatched to your communication address. You will need to sign for it at the time of delivery and show some identity proof.
Pan Card copy/Letter from IT dept.
Identity Proof
Pan Card (back & front) Driving License (copy of name,add,photo pages) Valid Passport(copy of name,add,photo pages) Voter ID(back & front) ...
Address Proof
Elec Bill, Phone Bill(not more than 2 months old) Driving License. Passport, Visa. Ration Card.